Thursday, July 26

Sexy Ministry?

Who knew it would be so difficult to find some time to sit down and write a simple blog post?
Apologies to those who have been waiting it unbridled anticipation for news of our doings.
The team of 4 that left July 1st has experienced a truly unexpected time here in Bolivia. As many of you know we had little idea of what our days would be filled with once we arrived, but we never anticipated all that has been contained in these first 3 1/2 weeks. I think if our time here so far were to be summed up, it would include the the phrase 'sexy ministry' and how what we have been doing is to the contrary. For those who don't follow, sexy ministry is something that produces immediate results, something that can easily be captured in a photo or in a passing conversation, it usually translates well over a blog and leaves a warm feeling in your heart. Dan and the team at Emprendimiento Mundial (World Venture) have committed themselves to the long term, which means even the short term teams that come down here like ours, work towards a long term vision. So you probably won't find us digging holes, constructing buildings, passing out flyers, or working at break neck speed. You will find us though continuing to build already present relationships with churches, community centers, orphanages, and most importantly people.
For three weeks we have been learning to embrace the values of EM, to be, make and mobilize disciples of Jesus. EM works with a three prong approach, in Business as Missions, Community Development, and Churches. Activities have ranged across all of those while here in Cochabamba. We have spent time teaching English to kids, seeing the work done in the business sector with loans and entrepreneurship. But most of our effort has gone into the empowering of local church leaders, assisting them to run the Unchartered Waters (similar to VBS) sports camps. After three of these camps we have seen nearly 300 snot nosed kids (I say this affectionately) hear the gospel taught by other Bolivians. What our team is doing is merely playing a role of support and energy as we attempt to get this curriculum off the ground so that it can be reoccurring long after we leave Bolivia. I think the strongest analogy for what we hope to accomplish (Corey Rose will like this) is to equip and encourage the people in Cochabamba and Santa Cruz to become fishermen, and not just to give them fish. This way when we leave they are the ones with the knowledge and experience of running these camps.
I hope all that has been said above is clear and leaves you excited about what EM is accomplishing here. We leave tonight for Santa Cruz, and will once again help a church train more leaders to run these camps. Next week we will see how the carpentry shop is serving the people of Cochabamba like the Master Carpenter would have intended.
Faith Hope and Love

Pablo (Paul Herriott)

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